Spiritual Laws The Commandments of the Kingdom of Heaven
These lectures have been selected from the final OMC Original lectures given to the Order by the Master of the Order, Rev Mario Schoenmaker. They are supplemented with a few discourses given some years earlier that relate to this focus on the spiritual laws.
The focus of this study is the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven – ethics and morality from a spiritual point of view, ways of living and acting that are in harmony with the laws preached by Jesus Christ, which were revolutionary at the time, and are still revolutionary.
These spiritual laws shine a light on the power of faith and love, and illuminate how infected we have become by egotism, selfishness and doubt. They show what we have become and what we really are. So this study is about the challenge of living in this world as a spiritual being living in relationship with other souls and the kingdoms above and below us.
There is a cosmic and evolutionary perspective at times, but most often these discourses are about our own personal application. The material is not intellectually challenging as much as it is morally challenging, and challenging of our faith in the I AM. As such this is a very beautiful and worthwhile study and very practical in the sense that it requires the setting of goals, self observation and reflection.
18 lectures by Rev Mario Schoenmaker + 2 end-of-year reviews